Dr. Angelo Ciliberti
Individual & Group Psychoanalysis
Why Group?
Beginning with our family, groups impact our sense of self and the world around us in powerful and enduring ways. From these early relationships, we learn which parts of ourselves can and cannot be included in our engagement with others. Without realizing it we often carry these patterns forward, unconsciously curating what we show others as well as ourselves.
Process groups offer a unique therapeutic setting for both uncovering these historical messages and expanding our relational possibilities. As group members engage with each other, security is formed and new opportunities for insight and self-assertion become available.
The quality of our relationships determines the quality of our lives.
- Esther Perel
What Happens In Group?
While individual therapy provides a space to explore recurring life patterns & themes, process group offers a place to engage both as they surface in the here-and-now. Through group interactions, members have the opportunity to be seen, understood, and challenged. In this way, group provides a trustworthy relational space for feedback and risk-taking.
Because process groups use immediacy as a gateway to understanding, personal growth comes through lived experience rather than abstract discussion.
In a session, group members are invited to share thoughts and feelings that come up about one's self and in response to others. Connections are then able to made between what is unfolding and the emotionally significant history that each person carries into the room.
Through this process, members are better able to confidently share personal experience, assert wants and needs, and learn how to be genuinely receptive and available to others.
All life is group life.
- Adam Phillips
What does group help with?
- understand how past relationships influence present ones
- experience an in-the-moment opportunity to try something different
- learn to get emotional needs met by others
- learn how to tolerate and skillfully navigate conflict
- develop a circle of people who can be counted on for direct feedback and support
- undo feelings of isolation and loneliness
How frequently does the group meet and how long are sessions?
- A group meets weekly and sessions last 90 mins.
How many members are there?
- Groups tend to include 6 to 8 members of mixed gender.
Are the sessions themed or is there a group curriculum?
- There are not set themes or curriculum. Instead, members are asked to put their thoughts and feelings into words as they become aware of them. People frequently talk about what feels most emotionally present & meaningful both in their lives as well in response to what others are saying. Groups are most powerful when everyone attends to what is happening in the here-and-now and shares how they are being impacted by it.
Is there a set time commitment?
- No, though new members are recommended to attend group for 12 sessions or 3 months before deciding whether or not to continue. This time frame usually allows a new member to become familiar with how group works and what is possible when working together.
Is there any movement or action involved?
- Process Groups are talk-based and members are asked to put impulses into words rather than action. This helps to create a feeling of safety within the room.
Are Process Groups meeting in-person or via Zoom?
- Both. I currently have some groups meeting in-person and others via Zoom. Those meeting in-person follow state health guidelines which can be further discussed in an initial consultation.
How can I find out more?
- Contact me below to arrange an initial consultation.